Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bonus XP

Check out all the Bonus XP opportunities I posted in the ABOUT section of Google Classroom. I added more stuff :)

HW 4/21/15

Monday, February 23, 2015

Homework: Week of Feb. 23-27

Due Daily:
AR Log
Unfinished class work

Due on Friday:
Blake Griffin Close Reading Passage
Math Fluency
Calculating Costs worksheet

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Homework Due Tomorrow

1. AR Log: Read for 20 minutes.
2. Joakim Noah Close Reading Passage
3. Non-Traditional Homework Discussion Prep
4. Make the Match! Math
5. Ancient Egypt Word Search

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Homework: February 17-20

1. AR Log: Read for 20 minutes. (due Wednesday)
2. Joakim Noah Close Reading Passage (due Friday)
3. Non-Traditional Homework Discussion Prep (due Friday)
4. Make the Match! Math (due Friday)
5. Living Wise Survey (due Wednesday)
6. Homeless Bird Ch. 3 & 4 Questions (due Wednesday)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework: February 11

1. AR Log: Read for 30 minutes.
2. Russell Wilson Close Reading passage (due Thursday)
3. Mighty Dynasties worksheet (due Thursday, use Soc Stu book)
4. Contract signature (due 2/20)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Homework: Feb 10

1. AR Log: Read for 30 minutes, get it signed
2. Coordinate Plane worksheet

Monday, February 9, 2015

Homework: Feb 9-12

1. AR Log: Read for 30 minutes.
2. Russell Wilson Close Reading passage (due Thursday)
3. Mighty Dynasties worksheet (due Thursday, use Soc Stu book)
4. Contract signature (due 2/20)


The sixth grade behavior contracts have been passed out. Please take a look at them with your child and glover the criteria. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Homework for Feb. 3rd

1. AR Log (Read for 20-30 minutes)
2. Write the first three paragraphs of your summary of the miners' rescue.
3. Non-Traditional Homework Assignment Discussion Points (due Thursday)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Non-Traditional Homework Assignment

On February 6th, students will be having a discussion with their classmates about their Non-Traditional Homework Assignment. They chose which one they wanted to complete and will be able to prepare their discussion points next week in class. If you haven't started your non-traditional assignment, take advantage of the three weekend and get it done!

Non-Traditional Homework Assignments
Directions: Choose one assignment to complete every two weeks. Come prepared to discuss your experience completing the assignment at the end of the two weeks. You can not repeat an assignment until you have completed all 11 first.

  1. Watch an educational TV show on a channel you don’t regularly watch. Be prepared to discuss what you learned.
  2. Cook or bake using a new recipe for your family. Be prepared to discuss what you made, why you chose it, and how it turned out.
  3. When you are out and about (with an adult), say 'hello' and ask every person you encounter or interact with 'how they are doing'. Be prepared to discuss their reactions to you, and how you felt having to complete this assignment.
  4. Help a family member complete a chore just because you can. Be prepared to discuss who you helped, what the chore was, and how you felt after helping out.
  5. Go for a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood with an adult. Keep an eye out for anything that you haven’t noticed before. Be prepared to discuss what you discovered about your neighborhood that you didn’t realize before.
  6. Read about something you know nothing about. Choose a topic, do some internet research about the topic, and learn something new. Be prepared to discuss your topic and what you learned.
  7. Interview an adult in your family. Have them tell you some stories from their childhood and any life lessons that they’ve learned while growing up. Be prepared to share those life lessons with our class.
  8. Write a letter to yourself at age 32. What do you hope you have accomplished by then? Describe how you visualize your life will be. How will you achieve those dreams? What is something you can do TODAY to get you where you want to be TOMORROW?
  9. Play a board game with your family. Turn your phones off and just enjoy each other’s company. Video games do not count ;) Be prepared to discuss what you played and what made this a fun activity.
  10. Make a thank you card for whomever is the boss of you. This could be Mom, Dad, Grandma, etc. Whichever person helps you the most in life is the person you should write it for. Include why you are thanking them and why you are grateful to have them in your life. Be prepared to discuss who you wrote your thank you card to and why.
  11. Read a picture book to a younger relative. Come prepared to discuss which book you chose, why you chose it, and who you read to. You will also need to talk about how you made the characters and the story come alive for your audience.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Homework: Week of Jan. 26-30

1. AR Reading Log: Read 30 minutes per day.
2. Math Fluency (due Friday)
3. Make the Match Square (due Friday)
4. Non-Traditional Homework Assignment (due Feb. 6) 

Buried Alive! Documentary

We are reading Buried Alive! which is the story of 33 Chilean miners who endured 69 days buried in a collapsed mine. After reading sections of the book, we are comparing them to the information we are learning from the documentary.

Buried Alive Documentary

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Homework: Week of Jan. 20-23

All due on Friday, January 23rd

1. AR Log: Chapter book needs to be completed
2. Math fluency
3. Tools & Language graphic organizer (Buried Alive!)

Science Fair Presentation Night

When: January 21, 2015
Where: Mary B. Lewis Cafeteria
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

The staff of Mary B. Lewis Elementary School would like to invite you, our proud parents, to view this year's science fair projects. Everyone is welcome. Please come and help us celebrate our students' accomplishments. Please leave projects in the cafeteria, projects go home the following day, Thursday, January 22nd.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week of 1/13-1/16 Homework

1. AR Log (Read for 25 minutes every day)
2. Math fluency
3. Kevin Durant Close Reading passage
4. Greek/Latin Roots packet (Unit 7)
5. Science project is due on 1/15 at 9:15 a.m.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Semester 2 has arrived and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday. If you were responsible, and continued reading for AR, you will be able to test on Tuesday to get started earning points for the next AR challenge. It was so fun seeing Mr. McGinn and Mrs. Puraci gobble up those crunchy bugs! 

Your science projects are due on January 15th at 9:15 am, so please be sure you have completed it by then. I'm excited to see the results of all your hard work. 

See you Tuesday! :)