Responsibilities and Consequences
Class of 2015 Rules
- Come prepared to class every day.
- Be respectful to others.
- Follow class procedures.
- Participate in your own learning.
Positive Consequences
- Verbal praise
- Positive parent contact (Teleparent)
- Earn tickets
- Participate in class raffle
- Whole class rewards
- Visit from the Desk Fairy
- Move up on the clip chart
Negative Consequences
1st Offense: Verbal warning
1st Offense: Verbal warning
Offense: Move down on the clip chart/Loss of tickets
Offense: Isolation (in/out of class) and Parent Contact
Offense: Apology Letter or Citation, and Parent Contact
Offense: Placed on Daily Behavior Contract and Parent Contact
Offense: Office Contact
Consequences are based on the severity of
the offense. Mrs. MacQueen reserves the right to skip minor consequences for
more serious offenses.