Thursday, September 18, 2014


*For homework, students should be reading their AR book for 20 minutes.  Whenever students finish a book they should take the test on that book the next day in class and select a new book.  If you are ever wondering how they are performing on their AR quizzes, just send me an email and I can send a report home to you.

*Parent conferences are the week of October 13.  Students have minimum days all week and conferences will be held in the afternoon.  Sign ups for conferences will be coming home soon.  Please make it a point to sign up for a conference so we can discuss your child's progress in 6th grade.

*The 6th graders will be having a typing club starting soon.  The club will be held in the morning before school.  Typing is an important skill in the common core standards and we want our students to have the opportunity to practice more.  Permission slips will be coming home soon with more information.

*We are still accepting SES applications for free tutoring.  Please turn in if you are interested.